New Product Launches 2.0 Jordan Stewart June 5, 2023

A superior brand commands a 26% price premium even when brand quality is the same.

— Forbes


Our approach starts by understanding the core reasons behind the creation of your product and assessing the market opportunity it represents. What sort of product adoption or trial are you looking to drive? How will the success of the launch be measured? 

We then kickstart the marketing strategy by gathering valuable insights through internal stakeholder interviews, competitive research, customer research and review of any relevant data (website, email, media, etc). Based on the information gathered, we put together a tailored approach for product messaging, supporting visuals and the channels required for activation. 

Taking this approach, we are able to create effective website, email, social and paid media strategies tailored specific to the opportunity at-hand. And to ensure that you’re always up-to-date on your product launch campaign’s performance, we provide on-demand reporting that gives you real-time insights into how your marketing efforts are driving results. 

Through this approach, you can be confident your product launch is going to be successful and you’ll have the data to show your organization the impact of marketing on the launch. 

95% of all product launches fail. The number one reason? They wait too long to figure out the marketing strategy.

— Harvard Business School and Harvard Business Review

Don’t let your new product launch fall behind. Point To Point can help get your marketing strategy started so your new product launch stays on track. We will review your competitor’s product marketing strategies and share our insights with you. Our analysis will showcase gaps in the market and ways your product can standout to drive adoption and sales. Complete the form below and we can chat about how to get started.

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When it comes to new product launches, our approach is centered around aligning your organizational goals with a data-driven mentality to deliver campaigns that drive new product adoption and achieve your marketing objectives. 

With Point To Point, you'll experience a difference in your marketing as we provide: 

  1. Aligned Marketing Goals: We clearly establish the goals and associated KPIs to ensure the objectives are your product launch are understood and aligned on throughout your organization.  
  2. Differentiated Creative Concepts and Strategies: Our team of experts develops creative concepts and marketing strategies that will make your product launch stand out, resonate with your target audience and compel them to take action, ultimately driving success for your new product. 
  3. On-Demand Reporting and Active Optimization: We keep you constantly informed about your product launch campaign's performance through on-demand reporting and active optimization of each channel. This allows you to stay up-to-date and make informed decisions that propel your business forward based on real-time insights. 

New product launches are filled with pressure so you need a partner you can trust, someone who knows what it takes to launch a product in building materials. That's where Point To Point comes in, we know how to launch. 

"The Flash Valve launch got off to such a strong start that we met our year one targets in the first 3 months, significantly impacting our ability to exceed our operating plan target.I credit the team at Point to Point for the development and execution of the launch plan and its’ success."

— John Gillespie, VP Marketing | American-Standard

  • A person holding a bottle of LOCTITE in front of a crane.
    LOCTITE A product launch taken to new heights.
  • EverPlank Creating demand for a new category of vinyl - luxury vinyl siding
  • American Standard A product launch that sold out in a flash.