We brought a panel of experts together for an exclusive event to discuss the top trends to be prepared for in the coming year. According to them, one to watch out for is influencer marketing.

Influencers are the most effective way to amplify your content. It’s a way to get more trustworthy messages from brands through 3rd-party consumers—thereby decreasing how much you invest while increasing your reach. 

At our exclusive B2B to CLE event, Content Marketing Institute Founder Joe Pulizzi explained, “You have people who built incredible content media platforms. Don’t think about them as influencers—as individuals—treat them like a media company.” 

Start with understanding who your customers are listening to, reading, watching, which sites they frequent, and take note of their contributors. It’s an ideal place to begin. Overlooking influencer marketing tactics because it might not fit into traditional marketing tactics could mean falling behind your competition. 

Influencer marketing is going to be one of the hottest tools of storytelling—but that’s only one of the many takeaways from the B2B to CLE event. Want to find out what else was our experts discussed as the 5 must-know marketing trends in 2020?

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