Capabilities pointtopoint August 5, 2022

Bring on the fresh thinking and new ideas, or what we like to call brand revitalization.

Your brand is a prime candidate for Point to Point’s brand revitalization treatment if:

  • Your market share, spec rate, or sales are flat to down for more than one quarter.
  • You’re launching new products that will require the market to think of you differently.
  • No one in your organization describes your company’s products, services, and values in the same way.
  • You recently transitioned from a privately-held company to private-equity.
  • Your audience focus is shifting.
Parallax Module - ABMSecondary
Parallax Module - ABMSecondary

How We Help

We give building materials brands new life with contemporary, audience-focused messaging and designs. That doesn’t mean we have to start from scratch. We like to take what’s already resonating with your audience and build upon that. 

Start with an account based marketing campaign, or go all in with brand redevelopment. Either way, once you see results from one project, you’ll be driven to see what more is possible.

Our Services

Boost your product sales and specifications with our expert strategies designed to engage and retain your existing customers effectively.

Combine targeted customer strategy with tech, media and creative punch to drive buyer demand.

Enhance customer engagement through personalized messaging and effective marketing campaigns tailored for existing customers.

Transform your sales team's performance with tools that inspire and educate, helping to increase your spec rate and drive sustainable growth