New Customer Acquisition Jordan Stewart August 30, 2024

Customer Journey Creation

  • Using the phases of construction, create a customer journey for product decision making.

  • Outline all audiences involved in the decision-making process and the conversations they are having about spec.
  • Alignment of messaging and marketing channels to support customer needs and opportunities to influence spec during the journey.

List Building and Database Expansion

  • Enhance your list with appended data to improve sales team contact rate and success of marketing outreach.
  • Build a first party list based on your ICP, make sure your marketing efforts align to where your sales team is focused.

Lead Generation Campaigns

Mix Of Email, Social, Digital Advertising

  • Integrated omni-channel/multi-media approach to gain Architect’s attention.

  • Reach and engage the same audience across multiple platforms.
  • Creative and channel strategy are combined to achieve success.

Account Based Marketing

  • Create prolonged growth and profitability with a select group of your most important clients and prospects.

  • Build a highly targeted list of Architects, Designers and GCs for personalized outreach.
  • Develop a customized creative and channel strategy based on the unique needs of your focused audience.

Paid Media

Trade, Social, Programmatic

  • Strategy, planning and execution of paid media campaigns rooted in Architect media consumption habits.  

  • Fluidly optimization across channels like paid search, paid social, display and trade media.
  • Creative and channel strategy are combined to achieve success.

Specification Sites Strategy & Management

  • Strategy, planning and execution of spec site programs based on understanding nuances of each site.

  • Optimization of existing spec site agreements, ensuring all program components are fully utilized.
  • Integration into CRM and Marketing Automation platforms to ensure lead follow-up.


  • Development of keyword rich optimized content designed to drive traffic from Architects.
  • Ensure strong technical foundation – page load time, broken links, missing meta descriptions, etc. – to gain higher search rankings.

Linkedin Strategy and Content Creation

  • Get the most impact out of your LinkedIn presence.

  • Optimize your company and sales team members profiles.
  • Craft compelling content to drive organic and paid social media performance.

Trade Publications Strategy and Management

  • Strategy, planning and execution of trade publication programs based on understanding nuances of each pub.
  • Optimization of existing trade publication agreements, ensuring all program components are fully utilized.

Email Marketing Strategy and Management

  • Design email marketing strategies to nurture Architects and drive spec.
  • Generate automated workflows to help nurture relationships and streamline follow-up communication.

Performance Reporting

  • Development of custom, on-demand reporting platforms based on KPIs your organization cares about.
  • Data driven reporting and insights for stronger marketing program performance.